英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 17:02:51
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1. grant exemption or release to

e.g. Please excuse me from this class

Synonym: excuserelieveexempt

1. 准许…不必做(或不必工作)
If someone in authority lets you off a task or duty, they give you permission not to do it.

e.g. The theatre management kindly let me off a couple of performances to go to Yorkshire...
e.g. In those days they didn't let you off work to go home very often.

2. 对…宽大处理
If you let someone off, you give them a lighter punishment than they expect or no punishment at all.

let off的解释

e.g. Because he was a Christian, the judge let him off...
e.g. When police realised who he was, they asked for an autograph and let him off with a warning.

3. 使(炸药等)爆炸;开(枪、炮等)
If you let off an explosive or a gun, you explode or fire it.

e.g. A resident of his neighbourhood had let off fireworks to celebrate the Revolution.

1. let off什么意思

1. 排放;放(炮),开(枪):let alone 更别提;不打扰 | let off 排放;放(炮),开(枪) | let out 放掉(水等),发出

2. 宽恕:let-alone 放任 | let-off 宽恕 | let-out 遁道

3. 开(枪):keep back 隐瞒,阻止 | let off开枪 | pass out赔偿,化装

4. let off的翻译

4. 放(炮开(枪宽恕:let in 让...进入;放...出来 | let off 放(炮开(枪宽恕 | let out 放掉(水等),发出

  • 情景对话

Subways & Urban Railways-(地铁和市区铁路)

let off的反义词

B:Excuse me, how do I get to Wall Street?

A:Take the A train south to the Liberty Ave. stop. You should be able to find it from there.
坐往南开的A 列车到自由大街站。在那儿你就可以找到了。

B:I’m sorry, but how do I know the subway train is going south?

let off在线翻译

A:The southbound A trains say Brooklyn.
往南开的A列地铁上写着 “布鲁克林”。

let off的反义词

B:O.K., so it’s this one?

A:Yeah. Hey? What are you doing? Let the people off the train before you get on.

let off

B:Oh, sorry.

A:Jeez. Tourists.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Let me help you off with your coat.(我来帮你脱大衣吧。)
Jane: Come on. I think you need to let off some steam.(简:来吧,我觉得你应该把愤怒发泄出来。)
Yet what the industry and its defenders demand is, of course, precisely that it be let off the hook for the damage it causes.(然而,水力压裂行业及其捍卫者所要求的,却正是对自身造成的损失一推了之。)
The mother said she would let off her son washing the dishes if he could finish his assignment before supper.(母亲说如果儿子能在晚饭前完成作业,她就不让他洗碗。)
"It's entirely possible that people can look at all those stories and in some emotional way let off steam," said Mr. Hackett of people.(“人们完全有可能通过观看这些故事,在某种情感层面上发泄自己,”《人物》杂志的哈克特先生说。)
But most of the time, arguments are just a way to let off steam when parents have a bad day, don't feel well, or are under a lot of stress - kind of like when you argue with them.(但是大多时候争吵只是一种发泄方式,当父母过了糟糕的一天,感觉不好的一天或者压力很大的一天,就像你和他们争吵时的原因差不多。)
Then he chased the thief, frightening him at the same time, "Stop or I will let off the gun!"(然后他追赶盗贼,一边还吓唬他:“停住!不然我开枪了!”!)
We always let off fireworks.(我们总是会放烟花。)
Why - he was standing over the whey-tub to let off the whey, and the shade of his face came upon the wall behind, close to Izz, who was standing there filling a VAT.(我是说——他站在装奶清的桶的旁边撇奶清,他的脸的影子落在身后的墙壁上,正好在伊茨的旁边。)
Our tutor tried to dispel my illusion with sound advice and a resounding slap: "you're crying to go to school now, you'll have to cry a lot more to be let off later on."(我们的家庭老师试图以一句睿智的忠告再加一记响亮的耳光来驱散我的幻想:“你现在哭着闹着要进学堂,将来恐怕你更要哭着闹着离开那呢!”)
let off是什么意思 let off在线翻译 let off什么意思 let off的意思 let off的翻译 let off的解释 let off的发音 let off的同义词